Exhibitions and events

Still Life

Still Life is an exposition of flower beds made of paper folds (origami) connected to real branches of trees collected on various wandering in different areas, in the city and in nature. The flower preparation process involves obsessive, meditative investment in the folding process, and requires concentration, silence, and skill. It is this silence, concentration, and meditative detachment that the work seeks to impart to its viewers.

Ikebana, the Japanese art of flower arrangement, expresses a sensitivity to the passing of time in nature using flowers in their different states of growth, according to the season. The paper flowers in Still Life are as well a representation of the various stages in the natural flowering and wilting process. However, the colors, the types of paper and prints constitute an array of distinctly artificial color and texture combinations, along with those which resemble traditional flowers. The result is a rich and wild floral variety, of which some look real, while others artificial and unusual.

Designe: Shelly Freiman